Monday 9 March 2015

The Perfect Push Gift

Hi Everyone,

At this point, I am 35 weeks pregnant and whilst the first and second trimester of this pregnancy has been quite a breeze for me (Alhamdulillah!), third trimester has proven to be a little more challenging. No longer able to fit into most of the clothes in my wardrobe, I have now gained 15kgs and am now heavier than my husband! Of course the extra weight has caused major discomforts - backache, pains around the pelvic area, fatigue, difficulty breathing, needle pricking pain at the bottom of my feet, heatiness, the occasional braxton hicks..and the list goes on. I also find it difficult to sleep at night as there is just absolutely no comfortable sleeping position when you have a basketball sized tummy! Not to mention having to constantly wake up in the middle of the night to go to pee or you will feel like your bladder is going to explode. 

Having all of these discomforts, coupled with lack of sleep, and further fueled by the hormonal changes can sometimes make a pregnant lady a little bit more emotional than she usually is! Especially when you look at your husband and he is just living about his life normally during the day, no awkward protruding belly button situation and all, and sleeping so soundly at night. Sigh, men, they have it really easy! So, for all of the discomforts that us ladies have to go through throughout the 9 months of pregnancy and 44 days of confinement, we truly deserve the perfect push gift from our husbands!

What on earth is a Push Gift?  One may ask. Well, a Push Gift is a present a father gives to the mother for having to push a baby out of her vajayjay to mark the joyous occasion of her giving birth to their child. They are usually given before or after the birth, or even in the delivery room. It's basically a way of saying thank you for carrying the baby for 9 months, for constantly having to watch what she eats to ensure that the baby is well nourished, for having to go through numerous tests and check ups at the hospital, if i were to make a list of the things husbands should be thankful for to their expecting wives, this post would be a very very very long post, so let's just move on to the more interesting bit - Push Gift Ideas!

1. The C word

Husbands all around the world, get this, you can NEVER go wrong with Chanel! It is the ultimate perfect gift for any occasions. You can be extravagant and opt for the coveted handbags, or smaller items like a wallet, a pair of ballet flats (a mother NEEDS a comfy pair of flats) or jewelry like a pearl necklace or a brooch. Trust me, your wife will be smiling from ear to ear if she is presented with a Chanel box.

Flap Wallet in Quilted Lambskin, RM3,300 from

Patent Calfskin Ballerina, RM2,340 from

 Long Glass Pearl Necklace, RM3,920 from

 CC Brooch with Metal, Concrete and Diamante, RM1,870 from

2. Jewelry 

Jewelry is also ALWAYS a good idea. Gold, white gold, rose gold, diamond or platinum, really, just whatever suits your fancy. Or alternatively you can get her a Silver baby carriage charm from Pandora to commemorate the birth of your precious child!
Pandora Baby Carriage Charm

3. The Perfect Recliner for Nursing

This is definitely something that the both of you can enjoy. Posture is very important when a mother is nursing her baby and she also needs to be comfortable during nursing. The La-Z-Boy Power Recliner chair is perfect for nursing mothers and the rocking motion will also help to lull the baby to sleep. It is the perfect addition to your living room. Husbands can also enjoy watching football comfortably on this recliner chair. It's definitely a win-win purchase for both husband, wife... and the baby!

La-Z-Boy Power Recliner

4.  First Family Vacation

Well, this is something you are not able to do immediately, obviously the mother has to recover after the delivery and the whole family needs to adapt to the new addition. So give it some time before planning for the first family vacation together. I think when the baby is 6 months old is the perfect time for the whole family to bond over a vacation together. You know what they say, a family that travels together, stays together!

My personal pick for first family vacation destination? Definitely Bali! It is only a short flight from KL and you can definitely relax by the pool at the many beautiful resorts available in Bali. The idea is not to go somewhere very busy with lots of traveling but to just sit back, relax and enjoy each other's company. And I also choose Bali because I really wanna go back to the local Balinese photographer we hired for our honeymoon photo shoot. He takes really great photos and I would love to have him take pictures of us again, but now, as a family!

A photo from our Honeymoon photo shoot in Bali

5. The Ultimate Push Gift

Honestly, material things aside, to me, the ultimate Push Gift that any husbands could give is being there for the wife throughout the journey. Acknowledge that she is going through so much throughout the pregnancy- physically, emotionally and mentally. Perhaps it is nice if you could offer foot rubs occasionally without her having to ask for it, listen to her whine about her discomforts and give her reminder that Allah will reward in multi-fold for every aches and pains she is experiencing. Just sit through and listen to her constant worrying about the baby and give her reassurance that everything is going to be alright. Forgive her sins and always make du'a for her and the baby. Be there for her when she is in labour and do everything you can to help make it easy for her and give extra care and attention for her the first few weeks after delivery. And most importantly, when she has her hair in a high bun, with pilis on her forehead in her kain batik and loose worn out t-shirt smelling all like herbs and traditional ointments, tell her that she is still the most beautiful person and that you appreciate all that she has gone through and will always love her, constantly, everyday. I promise you, husbands to any expecting mothers, these are the things that are worth so much more than all the Chanel stores combined.

Till Then, Happy Gifting!

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