Tuesday 27 January 2015

What You Need During the First and Second Trimester of Pregnancy - Part2

Hi Guys,

So this post is a continuation of my What You Need During the First and Second Trimester of Pregnancy - Part1 post. Basically in that post I have listed down main essential things you need during your first trimester, if you haven't checked that out, click on the link above. In this post, I'll focus on the Second Trimester of pregnancy.

Second Trimester of pregnancy is basically the time you will enjoy most. Your morning sickness will start to wear off, you will feel less lethargic all the time, and you will feel your baby kick for the first time in the second trimester. I felt my baby kick (actually, the first time wasn't a kick, it was more like a nudge) for the first time when I was around 18 weeks as I was laying in bed quietly before I go to bed that one night, and it felt AMAZING and the baby has been kicking joyfully ever since.

Since you're most energetic during the second trimester, it is the best time for you to do a lot of research on pregnancy, birthing, things to buy and parenting. Based on my personal experience, here are some of the things you may need during your second trimester:

  • Body Pillow
Most expectant mothers begin to feel backache in their third trimester. Unfortunately for me, my lower back started aching when I was only around 15 weeks pregnant! My bump wasn't even showing yet but boy, my lower back hurt when I woke up every morning as if I was just hit by a lorry in my sleep. I remember waking up one morning feeling so sore and I thought to myself, "That's it. I need to sort this problem out, pronto!" So, that day I texted my boss asking for a half-day off - I went around Midvalley looking for a body pillow. I wanted one which will support the whole body including giving ample back support. Ideally, I wanted a U-shaped pillow for complete support coverage. The ones they have at the stores in Midvalley were either too small or too expensive (above RM350!) I didn't want to spend too much money on the pillow as I was actually kind of skeptical of its effectiveness. I resorted to search for the pillows online and found Geboo Pregnancy Pillow. They offer C-shaped body pillow with Grade A fiberfill for only RM240. Texted them, made payment online and called my husband to pick-up the pillow from the seller in Shah Alam, and from that point onwards, the pillow has been my sleeping companion ever since!

Picture from Geboo Pregnancy Pillow website
  • Register for Birthing Class
I really am  a nerd an advocate that "Knowledge is Power" so I would highly recommend for first-time-moms to attend birthing class. There are many birthing classes available in the market these days, your hospital may also offer birthing class for free. The one that I was drawn the most to is AMANI Birthing Class. AMANI is short for Assisting Mothers for Active, Natural and Instinctive birth. For me, the major plus point of AMANI class is that it is an Islamic-based childbirth education. Their primary goal is to teach utmost trust in Allah throughout the process of childbirth. I registered for AMANI class with Nadine Ghows, you can check her website at http://www.mygentlebeginnings.com/. The AMANI class runs for 5 consecutive Saturdays from 2.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m (please check with Nadine for exact schedules). She also holds other classes and doula services. So far, I have been to 3 out of 5 classes. InsyaAllah, I will write another blogpost to review the AMANI birthclass I attended after I give birth. If you have any questions or need any information prior to that, please feel free to drop a comment or contact me at the email address stated in the "About Me" section of this blog.

  • Register for Pregnancy Yoga
Personally, I have not attended any yoga classes prior to my pregnancy but I am quite sure that Pregnancy yoga is not as "extreme" as the normal yoga. Pregnancy yoga is pretty much focused on simpler physical exercises or postures (asanas) to alleviate pains during pregnancy as well as to encourage better posture to ease labour, breathing and relaxation techniques. Pregnancy yoga promotes physical, mental and emotional wellbeing amongst expectant mothers. The best time to start pregnancy yoga is during your second trimester. I am lucky enough to know a friend who has a friend who is a prenatal yoga instructor, Deepa. Deepa comes to my house once a week for a one-hour private prenatal yoga session. During a prenatal yoga session, all you need is basically a yoga mat and comfortable workout clothes. I strongly recommend pregnancy yoga as I feel absolutely refreshed at the end of every one hour session. Fitfor2 at Bangsar Village II offers prenatal yoga classes or alternatively, just go on youtube - there are plenty of guided prenatal yoga videos available, for free!

  • Read the Quran, Recite Prayers, Du'a and Zikir Frequently
If you are a Muslim, it is recommended to read the Quran, recite prayers and make du'a for yourself, your husband and your unborn baby. There are many Surahs in the Quran that are beneficial during pregnancy -Surah Maryam, Luqman, Yusuf, Yaseen, At-Taubah and Hujurat to name a few. Du'a and Zikir will help you ease the constant worry you have about your unborn baby. Listening to Quran recitals will also help the baby to get used to the Kalaam of Allah (words of Allah) and hopefully when the baby is born, he/she will be an obedient servant to Allah and uphold righteousness, insyaAllah.

  • Belly Support
Belly Support is an amazing, multipurpose product. Not only it provides support to your growing belly, it also functions as "wardrobe extender" and helps avoid fashion faux pas moments. If you can still fit into your jeans but can't button 'em due to your growing tummy, the belly support will provide coverage to the crotch area. It is also very useful when your tops are a bit too short and you don't want to be exposing your tummy to the world. Expectant mothers around the world swore to its effectiveness in making them feel more comfortable, alleviate backaches and pains around the pelvic area.

  • Make a Shopping Checklist and Start Crossing them Out
The most exciting part about being pregnant is shopping for your baby! Some mothers prefer to start shopping after the 7th month, however, it is good to be prepared. Make a checklist of the items you need for newborn and start doing your research. There are just too many products available in the market so you need to read reviews or go to the store to test them out in order to decide the products that satisfy your needs and requirements as well as your budget! And, speaking of budget it is also good to space-out your shopping through the months so that you don't feel like you have to spend a fortune at one go. Below is a checklist that I have developed based on my research and my own personal needs.

Receiving blanket
Mittens and booties
Hooded Towels
Button-front clothes (rompers, pjs, short /long sleeves pants and short/ long sleeves shirts)
Baby tummy binders
Baby soft shoes
FeedingNursing bras
Breastfeeding pillow
Breast pump
Breast pads
Nipple cream (lanolin-based is best)
Loose shirts or button-downs for mum (easier for nursing)
Feeding cloth / apron 
Feeding bottles
Bottle / Food Warmer
Bottle brush
Bottle Cleanser / Detergent 
Soothers / Pacifiers
Breast milk storage (bottles / plastics)
Handkerchiefs / Burping cloths
Bottle drying rack
Ice packs/ Hot packs 
Formula milk (for hospital, just in case)
Water Flask / Hot water dispenser
ChangingChanging table / chest of drawers / organiser for diapers and toiletries
Diaper / Baby Bag
Baby lotion
Baby wipes
Nappy cream / Diaper rash ointments
Ointment to keep umbiical cord clean
Baby powder (Liquid form)
Toys to distract baby
Changing mat & travel changing mat
Dirty-diaper bags (for travel)
Diaper pail
TravelStroller & stroller toys
Car Seat & car seat toys
Handsfree baby carrier / sling
Infant body support for stroller/car seat
BeddingCot (convertible bedside cot)
Cot bumper
Toys / Mobile for cot
Fitted sheets
Pillow & Bolster
Blanket / Quilt
Travel Cot / Playpen
Secure Sleeper (by The First Years)
Baby monitor
Mosquito net (if you need)
Baby Gym/Crib Mobile
Rocking Chair / Bouncer
Bath / GroomingBath tub with body support
Bath Toys like rubber duckie
Bath sponge
Baby shampoo
Baby bath
Vicks, minyak yuyi, minyak telon, baby oil / baby lotion
Cotton buds
Nail clippers
Nose cleaner
Baby washcloths
Detergent for Baby Clothes
For MomMaternity Pads
Tanamera Confinement Set
Thick Socks
Nonslip Sandals
Kain batik
Breastfeeding supplements

  • Prepare a Hospital Bag Checklist
Though you won't be needing a hospital bag packed during the Second Trimester, it is always good to have a checklist to ensure that you won't miss anything out.


For Baby
Day clothes - Romper/Shorts and Button Top (3 days change/Different sizes)

Pyjamas (3 days change/Different sizes)

Mittens and Booties

Baby Tummy Binders

Swaddle Wraps

Receiving Blankets


Baby going home clothes


Baby Wipes

Travel set toiletries (Shampoo, bath, oil, and ointments)

Hooded Towel

For Dad
Camera and Chargers

Handphone & Chargers

One pair of change of clothes (Jeans and Tshirt)

Some food - biscuits, dates, air zam zam

Towel, comb, toiletries set, contact lense solution

Make sure newborn car seat is installed

Important docs/Pink Book

For Mom
Birth Plan/Notes/Prayers

Travel toiletries set, comb, hair tie


Nursing Bras

3 days change of clothes - Button front Tops for Nursing

Socks and slip-on slippers

Going home clothes (Think Kate Middleton!)

Maternity Pads

Maternity Underwears/Disposable Underwears

Breast Cream

Breast Pads

Make up/Lip balm

Maternity/Nursing Pillows

Nipple Cream
Charges and Handphone

I hope this post has provided expectant mothers useful insights into the wonderful Second Trimester of pregnancy. Fellow mothers, first-time-moms and moms-to-be out there are welcomed to share your thoughts and experience in the comment section.

Till Then, Keep Well.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog... The information you shared is very effective for new moms-to-be who are always worried about how to maintain fashion and trends during pregnancy. Keep Sharing such a nice blog. Have a look at the collection of modern maternity clothes online at Lovemere.
